Time for a Character Check

Although God called Samson to lead Israel, his character flaws limited his potential, Jdg 13:3-5. 

  • Samson’s flawed character became evident when he failed to live up to his calling as a Nazarite, Num 6:6-8, Jdg 13:7. 
  • He became incapable of sensing the presence of God’s Spirit, Jdg 16:20. 

Are you struggling with some flaws in your character?

It’s not too late.

Only moments before his death, Samson made a total commitment to God, Jdg 16:28.

Ask God to help you address your character flaws.

  • Strengthen your faith with regular, prayerful time in God’s Word, Rom 10:17. 
  • Allow God’s Spirit to shape you and guide you, 2Pet 1:3-8.

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