Tag Archives: character

Time for a Character Check

Although God called Samson to lead Israel, his character flaws limited his potential, Jdg 13:3-5. 

  • Samson’s flawed character became evident when he failed to live up to his calling as a Nazarite, Num 6:6-8, Jdg 13:7. 
  • He became incapable of sensing the presence of God’s Spirit, Jdg 16:20. 

Are you struggling with some flaws in your character?

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Character Checkup

It’s enjoyable to think about how leaders cast a compelling vision and generate enthusiasm in those around them.

There are other aspects of leadership which aren’t as glamorous, yet equally important.

One of those is character.

Schedule a regular character checkup on yourself.

In Psalm 15, David provides us some qualities to put on our checklist.

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What Builds Influence?

If you accept the definition that leadership is influence, then what builds influence?

In 1Samuel 7, Samuel gives us an example.

He made wise decisions and allowed God to guide him.

He was competent and had character.

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